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From the Greenbridge Blog

   Photos: Voting Rights Lab · Muttville · Gabriel Harber Photography   

Jason Green Jason Green

Criminal Justice Innovation and Second Chance Employment

As we began to identify the areas of focus for the Greenbridge Family Foundation, it was important to both of us that each issue moved us… spoke to our hearts. They weren’t just issues that we knew from an intellectual standpoint were important. And they weren’t just issues that are gaining headlines today. They were issues we talked about over dinner with our kids or found ourselves asking friends and fellow philanthropists about. As we built our list, one of those ‘must have’ issues was criminal justice reform and second chance employment.

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Jason & Ann Wilson Green Jason & Ann Wilson Green

Bridging the Education and Opportunity Gap for Young People in the Bay Area

We believe that every young person deserves every opportunity possible to successfully graduate from high school, pursue and complete post-secondary education if that is his or her choice, and enter the workforce with a well-paying job, ideally in his chosen career path. As we started to explore the organizations working in this space, we spent a lot of time understanding the plethora of approaches and interventions available and referring back to our guiding values to see what felt right for us.

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Jason & Ann Wilson Green Jason & Ann Wilson Green

Protecting the Environment

Environmental Justice is how we think about this area of focus. For this first year of grants, we broke this down into two key sub-areas: climate change and animal protection. Given our commitment to systemic, long-term horizon change, we sought out organizations that attack issues like climate change, air pollution, and animal extinction at their root causes. 

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Jason & Ann Wilson Green Jason & Ann Wilson Green

Honing our focus

What issue areas should we focus on? There are thousands of issues out there that need help and are important. There is no right or wrong decision when it comes to creating impact. Knowing that, like any family foundation, we have limited resources, we wanted to ensure our list was broad enough to go where our hearts called us and was limited enough that we could build our conviction over time and have a tangible impact on the causes we chose to support.

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Jason Green Jason Green

From Venture Capital to Venture Philanthropy

Part of the goal in sharing our journey at Greenbridge is to accelerate our learning and impact by connecting with others on a similar path. We do not claim to have all the answers but we wanted to share our current thinking and approach. Here are our guiding principles and values, as well as the key questions we asked, when determining areas of support.

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